【2023年】夏季休業のお知らせ Announcement of Summer Holidays




【出荷体制】2023年8月10日 (木) 午前にご注文いただいた商品は当日出荷いたします。

     午後にご注文いただいた商品は2023年8月17日 (木) 出荷とさせていただきます。




[2023] Announcement of Summer Holidays

We are always grateful for your cooperation.We would like to inform you about the holiday period of this year's Summer Holidays

[Closed period] August 11, 2023 (Friday) to August 16, 2023 (Wednesday)

[Shipment system] Products ordered in the morning of Thursday, August 10, 2023 will be shipped on the same day. Items ordered in the afternoon will be shipped on Thursday, August 17, 2023.

In addition, regarding inquiries during holidays, faxes and emails will be received as usual. We will reply to you in order from the next business day.Thank you for your kind support.