『えどがわ防災フェア2023』に協力参加します。"Edogawa Disaster Prevention Fair 2023".

We will participate in "Edogawa Disaster Prevention Fair 2023" as a sponsor.

えどがわ防災フェア2023  ~楽しく自主防災を学ぶ体験型イベント~




会場:葛西防災公園 芝生広場








(株式会社インターリンクス 広報部)

We will participate in "Edogawa Disaster Prevention Fair 2023" as a sponsor.

This time, the theme is "self-help" necessary for disaster prevention. We collaborated with related companies, local governments, and neighborhood associations in the Edogawa area.

Date: March 12, 2023 (Sun) 10:30-16:00

Venue: Kasai Bosai Park Lawn Square

In this fair, we will also exhibit a simulated disaster experience by directing a VR disaster prevention experience car, a shaking experience in an earthquake experience car, an emergency evacuation experience in a disaster mitigation maze, a police car using the latest Fairlady Z, and a police motorcycle. There is also a stage performance of the Edogawa Wind Orchestra. There are many hands-on projects and wonderful stage events on the day!Please come and visit us!

In all our business activities, we actively promote local disaster prevention and mitigation activities, activities that contribute to the SDGs and the environment.

(INTER LINX, Public Relations Dept.)